Friday, July 26, 2013

Rengar is so OP. I was laning against a Tryndamere at the top lane. That was actually my first time playing Rengar. I basically destroyed their Tryndamere. I got my Savagery at level 1 and I bought a Long Sword and 2 Health Potions. I actually killed him 3 times before going back and just healed my self by using my Ferocity on Battle Roar.

 Rengar really zones the enemy laner really well because of his passive. On my first back, I bought a Phage, Brutalizer, Bonetooth Necklace, Health Pots, and Wards. Warwick and Tryndamere actually ganked me and I killed them both which was really funny. I was roaming after that and ganked mid. Me and Brand killed Nidalle, but I took a lot of damage from the tower and I had to back.

 I finished my Black Cleaver and and bought a Vampiric Scepter. Now it was just farming, getting kills, and owning everybody.We won and my final score was 40/6/5.

My full build was:
-Boots of Mobility
-Bonetooth Necklace
-Black Cleaver
-Last Whisper
-Frozen Mallet


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