Ezreal is by far my favorite champion in League of Legends. He has a lot of damage and poke. He is a god at kiting once you get your Iceborn Gauntlet / Frozen Fist. In my opinion, he is the best AD Carry in the game. All of his abilities are skill-shots, so if you don't hit them you're basically useless. He also uses up a lot of mana, so buying an early Tear of the Goddess is very useful if you're ahead. You can also turn it into a Muramana when it's fully stacked. He is a little weak early but once it's late game you can burst the enemy squishies.
Kha'Zix is one of the best Assassins in the game. He can actually evolve three of his abilities and through out the match once you get a point in your ultimate. I usually evolve my (Q)Taste Their Fear first because it can do a lot of damage to low and isolated targets. After that, I usually evolve my (E)Leap so it can reset once I get a kill or assist. I usually evolve my (R)Void Assault so I can activate it three times and get reduced damage. Kha'Zix is best played in the Top Lane. You can also play him in the Mid Lane or the Jungle. He is very mana hungry, so buying a Tear of the Goddess can help. He is also very vulnerable once he has no Leap and he is very squishy. He is a great duelist and can get in and out of fights.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is one of my favorite champion in the game. He has a lot of burst once you get items. He can gank really well once he is level 6. He has great mana sustain because of his Blue Card and a stun from his Gold Card. He has long ranged poke and you can bust someone by only using two abilities. The problem is that once he has used his Q and W, he sort of useless for 5 seconds. He can apply a lot of map pressure and gain a little bit more gold due to his passive.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is such an overpowered champion right now. He deals high damage, durable, and very slippery. I usually play him in the Top Lane or in the Jungle. He has great ganks and can escape or chase somebody very easily. He can create a lot of combos because you can activate your basic abilities two times. He is very hard to use and I recommend playing on Smartcast so you can pull off them sick combos better. You need a lot of practice with him and you have to properly use your passive so you don't lose a lot of energy.
PLAY YOUR FAVORITE CHAMPION! If you're good at Nautilus Jungle, then use him! Play your favorite role if you get to. Play champions that you know how to play. Try one of the champions I recommended in a normal game. If you like the champion you tried, then practice! Hope you enjoyed my guide!
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