Monday, September 30, 2013

I  love playing in the Mid Lane. Almost all of the champions that I love belong in the Mid Lane. Champions that go there can burst or nuke enemy champions and can gank other lanes. Almost all Mid Lane Champions are squishy. A lot of the champion I bring to the Mid Lane are Assassins. Here are the three types of Mid Champions: Poke, Burst, Sustain. I read this from the website SoloMid.Net.

Burst Champions can do a lot of damage in a short time period. They are often melee or have a short range. Their damage usually falls of late game and are hard to play because you can get poked a lot. Examples are Zed, Ahri, Talon, Fizz, Diana, Ryze, and LeBlanc.

Poke Champions can deal damage from a distance and are safe from harass. The usually have a long auto-attack range or long ranged spells. They usually have to poke the  enemy down then finish them off. Examples are Twisted Fate, Orianna, Ziggs, Zyra, Kog'Maw, Anivia, Lux, and Lissandra.

Sustain Champions can stay in their lane for really long time and can stand poke. Some champions can keep their mana or health up for a long time. Some them have good crowd control and are a bit tanky. Examples are Galio, Cho'Gath, Gragas, LeeSin, Vladimir, Swain, and Morgana.

As the Mid Laner you should be ganking other lanes. Before ganking, you should push the creeps until the enemy's tower so he misses experience and gold. The first Mid tower is one of the most important towers to take down because it can deny more enemy vision.

Playing in the Mid Lane is really fun. I would recommend Ahri, Ziggs, Anivia, and Twisted Fate because their easy to learn and fun to play. Hope you enjoyed my article!


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