I love watching the LCS! It's very exciting and you can learn a lot from the pro players just from watching them. I'm a hardcore T...
Playing as the Support
A lot had changed from Season 3, mostly the Support Meta. Items, play style, and many more has changed. I didn't play a lot of suppo...
Trolling as AP Shaco
Sometimes trolling is good. Me and my friend played a normal game we had a lot of fun. My friend is just Level 11 so there were no Jungler...
Jinx, The Loose Cannon Revealed!
Jinx is a new upcoming champion. She is basically Harley Quinn because they have the same attitude. She is the Crime Queen in Piltover, wh...
Patch 3.12 and Garen Visual Upgrade!
Patch 3.12 is out now! I can't talk about everything in the patch so here is the link about everything on the new patch! Aside from...
Playing as the Mid Laner
I love playing in the Mid Lane. Almost all of the champions that I love belong in the Mid Lane. Champions that go there can burst or nuk...
Champions That Can Carry You To Diamond
There are over 100 champions in League of Legends. Almost all champions can be used in a Ranked Game but there are some that can really be g...
Ranked Struggle and Some Helpful Tips
Sorry I haven't posted in a month because I was really busy and I had to do a lot of stuff. I just reached level 30 two weeks ago. I u...
Rampage 2013 Sucked and What They Could Have Done!
Rampage 2013 sucked. I got their around 12:00 pm and when I saw the line, I was blown away by how long the line was. There were more people...
Is the new Master Yi OP???
R.I.P AP Master Yi. I was really sad when this happened. AP Yi was a really fun way to play Yi because the old Yi's Alpha Strike was ba...