Monday, August 5, 2013

R.I.P AP Master Yi. I was really sad when this happened. AP Yi was a really fun way to  play Yi because the old Yi's Alpha Strike was based on AP and can do a lot of damage. You can basically get a lot of multi kills with your Alpha Strike. You can also one shot their enemy carry  and get a ton of pentas.

Anyway, I like the new Yi. Reworked Master Yi is so awesome!!! He looks really good and he feels like a new champion. His Alpha scales off of AD now but can now critically strike and each basic attack lowers the cooldown by one second. His Meditate kinda sucks now but it is a really good sustain for the early game phase. His Wuju Style now has no mana cost and it's passive now grants a percentage of your attack damage into bonus AD, not just a flat amount, and when it's activated it makes your basic attacks deal true damage. His Highlander passive now reduces your basic abilities by 18 second which is really good. Highlander's duration is also extended by 4 seconds when you get a kill which means you can still get a lot of multi kills because Alpha Strike's cooldown is refreshed when you get a kill while your Highlander is on. He is kind of OP if you have a good early game.

Here are some pictures:

He looks really cool and more like a ninja. His armor now shows more and he has amazing animations. I also have the Assassin Master Yi Skin. It looked realy ugly and just looked like a black and white Master Yi.
Now the skin looks like a beast and I really like it.

Here are the new looks of his skins:

For more information about the newest patch 


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