Here is a list of all the new things that have been implemented:
- Added Horses
- Added Donkeys, Mules
- Added Horse Armor
- Added Leads
- Added Carpets
- Added Hardened Clay, Stained Clay
- Added Block of Coal
- Added Name Tags
- Added Hay Bales
- Added Health Boost, Saturation and Absorption effects
- Added /spreadplayers and /playsound commands
- Added naturalRegeneration and doDaylightCycle gamerules.
- Texture packs are now Resource Packs that can also hold sounds, fonts, languages and texts.
- Food meter is now drained when healed by full food meter
- Removed Herobrine (Running joke)
- Redesigned Launcher
I really like the horse feature. It is really fun and you can go to places faster. I really like the Block of Coal because of it's great versatility in making houses and structures. Here is the link if you want to know more: