But as the Solo Top, you're usually ganked a lot by the enemy Jungler. Bruisers can't dish out their damage as fast as the AP Mid or AD Carry. You also fall of late game because you basically have no more damage
late game. You usually build tankier items instead when it's late game.
In team fights, your main goal is to protect your AD Carry and AP Carry. You should also cause a lot of disruption to the enemy teams. Almost all bruisers in the game have an AoE ability (Area of Effect) that can damage everybody on the team.
Now lets talk about items. If I'm using an AD based bruiser like Pantheon, Jayce, Darius, or Rengar, I usually get a Long Sword and two Health Potions. I want to last hit really well because bruisers are usually item dependent. By the way before going back, you should push your creeps to the enemy tower so that when your enemy laner comes back, he won't have any gold and experience when he comes back to lane.
On my first back, I usually turn my Long Sword into a Phage, buy a Boots, Health Potions, and 2 wards,
Here are example items if your looking for damage:
-Black Cleaver
-Last Whisper
-Ravenous Hydra
-Frozen Mallet
Here are examples of items if you want to be a bit tanky:
-Sunfire Cape
-Aegis of the Legion
-Maw of Malmortius( if the enemy AP is really fed)
-Thornmail( if enemy has a really fed auto-attacker like Tryndamere or Vayne)
Bruisers are really fun and relies on protecting your carries and still dealing damage. I would recommmend Garen or Wukong. They both deal a fair amount of damage and is still tanky. Happy LoLing!!!